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African Agronomix Limited (AAX Ltd) is a company focused on the African agricultural sector, particularly raw materials and production of fertilisers and soil nutrients. 

It is widely understood that adequate soil nutrition positively effects reforestation, poverty-eradication, food security, GDP growth, currency stability, food independence, employment and the reversal of climate change. Therefore, it is everyone’s environmental and social responsibility to achieve universal adoption of fertilisers. AAX Ltd provides an immediate opportunity to progress that aim.


Currently all fertiliser in Africa is imported, increasing costs and decreasing accessibility for farmers. AAX Ltd aims to produce affordable, accessible fertiliser for Africa from Africa – building local, to enable farmers to buy local. We have numerous projects in East, Central and Southern Africa that will provide the raw agricultural materials for this. The goal is for the outputs of our projects to satisfy 90% of the fertiliser demand by value. Specifically, we will supply the essential “Big-3” (Nitrogen, Phosphate and Potassium) and other secondary fertiliser needs (Calcium, Sulphur, Magnesium, soil conditioners (Gypsum and Vermiculite), agricultural lime for soil pH management etc).


We will place multiple manufacturing centres on the West Coast, The Interior and the East Coast of Africa – optimising logistics from raw material sources and logistics to regional consumptive agriculture.


Ultimately, we will provide a means to ensure sustainable food production in Africa, fulfiling environmental and social responsibility and simultaneously becoming an extremely profitable business.


By feeding the soils, they will feed us forever…

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